About Addictions...
Below are our articles on the subject of About Addictions. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Addiction and the Law
The basis of the British laws regarding addiction and drugs goes back more than thirty years. Some now argue that it is time to make a greater distinction between…...

Addictions Through History
The human tendency toward addiction is nothing new. Here we look at some substances and behaviours that have been with us throughout the ages....

Addictive Personalities
Many people have heard the phrase 'addictive personality' used, but does this theory exist, and if so, what are the traits of an addictive person?...

Drug Addiction in Britain
The British seem to have a national obsession with worrying about addiction, so just how serious is the problem?...

How Do Addictions Start and What Causes Them?
Addictions can start for many reasons and can be blamed on many influences. Sometimes the cause for an addiction is never known as it is an area in which full…...

How Does Addiction Affect Peoples' Minds?
Drug and substance abuse can affect peoples minds in a variety of ways. The severity of affliction id dependent on the type of drug used, the frequency of use, the…...

How Stress Can Lead to Addiction
This article looks at how stress can influence the onslaught of an addiction and what steps can be taken to help relieve stress....

Involuntary Addiction to Prescribed Drugs
Involuntary addiction occurs when a person who has been presrcibed a drug for legitimate health reasons develops a tolerance and/or dependence to the drug. Often they…...

Mental Health and Addictions
Addiction can occur with other mental health disorders. Learn about risk factors and treatment options....

Overcome an Addiction to Plastic Surgery
A growing number of people are becoming addicted to plastic surgery. Learn why this occurs and how it can be treated....

Physical Dependence on a Drug or Substance
Physical dependence is only one contributing factor relating to addiction. It is closely linked to psychological dependence and the two will be assessed, diagnosed and…...

Physical Effects of Alcohol
Excessive alcohol consumption, even if consumed infrequently can lead to many negative effects on the human body. Liver disease, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and…...

Physical Effects of Nicotine
Nicotine is a naturally occuring substance found in the tobacco plant. It is responsible for the addictive qualities of tobacco smoking by altering the levels of…...

Physical Effects of Opiates
Opiate addiction is an increasingly common and potentially life-threatening addiction. Addiction can oocur through involuntary means after taking a prescribed drug…...

Physical Effects of Solvents
Solvent abuse, or volatile substance abuse, is the inhalation of substances hazardous to health. Many household items can be used in this improper manner and death can…...

Physical Effects of Tranquillizers
Tranquillisers are commonhly prescribed medications that aim to help those suffering from anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia. They work by acting on the central…...

Physiological Effects of Addiction
Most substances act as either stimulants or depressants to the central nervous system. They cause changes in the physilogical processes of the body and can cause many…...

Pseudoaddiction and Misinterpretation of Symptoms
Pseudo-addiction is a relatively new term used to describe the mismanagement of pain relief as the signs and symptoms are often mistaken for those associated with drug…...

Recognising You Have an Addiction
In order for an addict to seek help for their addiction, they must first realise and understand their addiction. This is the first step to recovery, and one of the…...

Risks of Injecting Substances
There are many risks associated with the injection of illegal drugs but the most common include the transmission of HIV and Hepatitis C. Treating the addiction itself…...

Step-By-Step Brain Path to Addiction
Learn how an addiction to drugs and alcohol can 'rewire' the brain, and why addiction can be so difficult to overcome....

The Relationship Between Addiction and Crime
The connections between crime and addiction are complex. What are the key challenges when trying to unravel the two?...

The Role of Genetics in Addiction
The role of genetics in addiction is increasingly being proved to be a legitimate contributory factor. Experts are finding results produced from tests on animals are…...

The Social Effects of Addiction
Many experts and politicians recognise that the most serious effect of substance abuse is it's detrimental effects on society. The financial costs in living with…...

What are the Risk Factors of an Addiction?
Experts believe that there are certain factors that can cause a person to be more likely to suffer from or develop an addiction. These factor cannot carry the total…...

What is an Addiction?
An addiction can develop quickly or slowly over time, and is often defined by an increase in dose, frequency and physical and psychological need for continuing the…...

What is Codependency?
Codependence is a very difficult term to define. Its development is believed to be rooted in a persons childhood and results in a person assuming control,…...