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Addictive Personalities

By: Jo Johnson - Updated: 28 Oct 2018 | comments*Discuss
Personality; Addiction; Anti-social;

Addictive Personalities

We've all heard of the expression 'addictive personalities', but is this just a way of excusing ourselves of our actions, choices and behaviours?Many reports have documented that there are in fact certain personality types, environmental factors and circumstance that can increase the likelihood of a dependency to develop, though scientific studies have so far failed to prove any conclusive results. However, the findings that do exist shall be explored.

Types Of Personality

Stressed Or Anxious Personality.These people find it difficult to cope very well during times of stress and are more likely to turn to alcohol or substances to help them manage.

The Passive-AggressivePeople in this category have an exterior that displays a calm and peaceful personality, but inside they hide their anger and find it difficult to manage their anger very well.

The Self-Punitive PersonalityThese people hide their anger well and show an outer personality that is calm and gentle.They often turn to substance abuse and alcohol to help them cope.

The Anti-SocialThese are the types of personalities that cannot manage their anger and frustration virtually at all. They often have short sharp tempers, do not like their efforts to go unnoticed. They are most likely to turn to alcohol and drugs to help manage their emotions and frustrations.

The Immature This group of people have a very immature outlook and can be childlike in their personality. They like to brag about minor achievements and enjoy gratification for it.They often find it hard to limit their behaviour and can often go 'over the top'.

Personality Traits

BehaviourThe behaviour of an addict is often compulsive and does not rationalise or quantify their actions and consequences.Increased and extreme repetition of actions is common as it provides feelings of being on a 'high' and increases adrenalin production giving the 'feel good' factor.

StressStress is one of the leading causes of alcohol and drug addiction as it is these substances that people turn to, to help them cope. Some people manage their stress better than others and find safer methods of working it out of their system, whilst others mask their stress with substances.

Responsibility.Many addicts show that they are unable to accept full responsibility for their actions, which is also a sign of immaturity. They are less able to see their faults and understand the seriousness of their behaviour.

Circumstantial FindingsSome studies have provided statistics that show an increase in drug and alcohol dependence among men, and that single men were the most at risk, whilst married women were the least likely.

Identifying A Weakness

If you have previously overcome an addiction and recognise any of these traits in yourself, it is advisable to refrain from indulging in any of the activities that often lead to addiction. Many people are able to drink or gamble for example and set limits for themselves and enjoy these activities sensibly.If you believe you have an addictive personality, you are probably more likely to develop a dependency.

Though scientific research has so far, not produced any concrete evidence to support claims of an addictive personality, many confessed addicts do display similar traits, circumstance or background.

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“These people...” This ‘Jo Johnson’ character is dishonest on much of this with respect to addiction. These traits are not specific to addiction and stress is not remotely the underlying issue - please do not allow such superficiality to divert you from the hard truth. I may, if I have the time and inclination, put in a formal complaint to the charity commission. Every day folks die, or ruin their lives, due to this neurological mental condition. This triviality is not the answer. And a significant risk. I suggest JJ finds another means of earn a living - not on the vulnerable.
Anon - 28-Oct-18 @ 7:12 AM
addicted to food and spending! have sustained long term abstinence from alcohol.
melly - 14-Dec-13 @ 11:50 PM
Hi, hope someone can point me in the right direction.I have a eating disorder, anxiety disorder, agraphobia and depression.I have noticed strange behaviour problems in myself, such as i get addictive feelings about alot of thing.For a while I was only eating salted peanuts 200/300g per day this lasted at least 3 months.Previous to that i became addictied to sour sweets so much as i would bulk buy from my nearest shop, this has been happeniing with one thing or another for a long time.I am not only addicted with food also with financial things, latley i have downloaded a interactive game which lets you develop your game by buying game gold or coins, i am currently spending £40 a day in getting more coins and making my island bigger and better.I want to stop so badly and i know i can get help from my husband but i dint want to ask him because i dont know if i want to stop.I find it so difficult since i have been able to home shop, the internet was supossed to empower me but has now become a part of my addictions.I know its not like being on drugs or alchol, but this is so effecting my life i feel suicidal, what kind of help is there in the uk?? .. Thanks for reading.
Farah4u - 12-Aug-13 @ 9:37 PM
i would like help with my addictive personality disorder??
greeny - 13-May-13 @ 9:49 PM
Thanks for creating such a beneficial web site and deticating to people who are both healthy and have an illness. Actually, and thanks God Almighty that I have no any recognised mantal illness, but I have relatives and friends who have. I have benefited so much from the site and added it my favorites. regards
humanity - 10-May-13 @ 8:22 AM
As an addictions counselor I am a huge advocate for behavioral change. Attitude change does not precede behavioral change. Making changes that support your personal values which are often recovery based and recovery centered won't make sense until after you make the changes. Sometimes, you won't get the motivation to do things until after you do them. Something that I learned from a client long ago was "Don't think your way into a right way of living--live your way into a right way of thinking. You don't have to avoid the darkness, just start walking in the light and the darkness goes away.
mytngod - 13-Oct-11 @ 4:17 PM
I have an addictive personality which has almost wrecked my marriage because of the lies I told to mask my addictions. Although I have an addictive personality I managed to give up smoking 3 years ago and have not had a drink since Christmas without any help. I am however still struggling with other addictions and need to get some healthier addictions.
Dougie - 11-Mar-11 @ 10:30 PM
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