The Common Physical Signs of Addiction.
The Common Physical Signs Of Addiction.
Although addiction is unique to each person it affects, there are some signs that may alert people that some one they know is suffering from an addiction.These physical signs can sometimes be quite general to certain addictions such as those related to illegal drugs, or they may be specific such as those pertaining to something like a shopping or spending addiction.
The Physical Signs Of An Addiction To Illegal Drugs (Opiates).
This is the form of addiction that often ends up with the addict showing very noticeable physical signs.Those who are addicted to substances such as glue which are usually inhaled often have a decline in the health of their skin which can become very dull and spotty especially around the nose and mouth area.Heroin or highly addictive drugs can cause the person to neglect their appearance in general, and their hair and nails will become lacklustre and brittle. As the addiction begins to take a grip many addicts find they are losing weight as they have less appetite and time and money to eat and enjoy other parts of their life.Cocaine or drugs hat are most commonly inhaled and will start to cause a decline in the health of the nasal and airway tissues and can eventually lead the tissues to break down causing bleeding which can occur at any time.Those who suffer from signs of withdrawal if they cannot their substance of choice may suffer from fine tremors and sweating which are common signs of withdrawal.
The Signs That Might Indicate An Addiction To Gambling Or Spending.
These are not the most common forms of addiction that show any physical signs but over time the health and appearance of the addict may begin to become more noticeable.As people continue to either spend or lose money or become more addicted they may start to neglect their health as they have less time and money for food or to care for their health and appearance in general.
Physical Signs Of Food Addiction.
Obviously the most provocative sign is the person concerned gaining or losing weight quickly. Of course these signs may be disguised by clever wardrobe adjustments so they may not be so apparent at first.If someone has suffered from an eating disorder such as bulimia they may show signs of their dental health suffering, whilst those who are not eating or drinking may suffer with bad breath as the develop oral acidity.If someone is bingeing or eating compulsively they may show signs of panic and frustration if they cannot access food or if they are caught whilst indulging in their addiction.Addicts often like to keep their addiction a secret and become quite agitated if those around them that they do not want to know about their problem are suspicious or catch them in the act.As people with eating disorders become less nutritionally balanced the health of their hair may suffer and their nails may start to suffer as well.
There are many possible signs of addiction that may indicate a person has an addiction and this has provided a very general insight into the most common ones but this is not a limited list and each individual will manage their addiction individually and may show signs that are unique to them and not common to all addicts.
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