Stopping Addicitons...
Below are our articles on the subject of Stopping Addicitons. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Effects of Withdrawal from an Addiction
Suffering from the effects of withdrawal is part of the recovery process in overcoming an addiction. Any substance or medication that has the ability to cause a…...

Giving Up Smoking & Potential Weight Gain
The fear of gaining weight is one of the top reasons why people are afraid to stop smoking. There are however ways of ensuring the chance if weight gain is kept to a…...

How to Assess The Level of an Addiction
Assessing the level of a persons addiction is a very difficult task. Most treatments centres or clinics will have developed their own methods of assessment from which…...

Stopping An Addiction Due to Ill Health
Overcoming an addiction is extremely difficult when in full health, so to expect to stop during a period of ill health will be even more difficult. An open and honest…...

Stopping Smoking Due to Pregnancy
It is never too late to stop smoking during pregnancy, as the consequences of smoking during this period can be devastating inlcuding having a stillborn child. Speak…...

Tips to Give up Smoking
Stopping smoking is vital in order to live a healthy and long life. There are many reasons to stop smoking, but no good reasons for conmtinuing with this habit. Some…...